Thursday, 18 April 2013

Term 1 Maths

This term in maths I learn't how to multiply and divid decimals and how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 2 digit number in two ways.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Conference Reflection

What happened?
I talked to my mum about my e-astle results and my writing, maths and reading goals also what I can and can't  

What did you like/dislike about it?
I disliked that my mum bet me in mathopolis and I liked that I beat my dad at mathopolis

What feedback did your family give you?
My mum said that it was great and she didn't know my results and she said I had really improved in my maths

What would you change if you could?
Be more organised



Scientific Name: Dacrydium Cupressinum

Where do u find it?

The Rimu tree grows only throughout New Zealand from the South Island to the North Island making it one of New Zealand’s native trees
Why is it important to Maori?
Because it had many, many uses such as:
• The leaves were used to heal sores
• The gum of the young tree was used to stop bleeding
• The pulped bark was combined with water and hot stones and was dabbed on running sores
• The inner bark was beaten to a pulp and but on burns
• The heartwood was split into slivers and tied in bundles for torches
• The juicy red cup that holds the seed was eaten by maori
Other uses:
• Used to build houses
• Used for pottery
Why is Rimu the best tree in the school?
Because it has many uses and and we have many strengths, it is a strong wood and we are a strong house