Sunday 22 September 2013

Enviro Team

Enviro Team

On Sunday Mrs Campbell, Jessica C, Jessica M, Paris, Jarlin and I went to Waipuna Park. First we set up our bins. We had three stations and they all had a yellow bin for recycling, a red bin for waste, a green bin for coffee chick coffee cups and a white bin for food scraps. There were signs on each bin telling you what to put in them and some suggestions. We helped people to put there rubbish in the right bins and also picked up a little ourselves. It was a really fun day and the people mostly put the rubbish in the right bins.


Thursday 12 September 2013

Gap Spelling Test

For my Gap Spelling Test I got 98/100 and the last time I did this test I got 71/100. I think I did very well. The part of the test I am most proud of is the spelling, because I 40/40 100%. The part I am not proud of is the proofreading because I got 19/20.

NZ Cities

We had to go for a tour around NZ and pin point every main city in it.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Guess the Setting

WALT: describe the setting of a story using ‘show’ not ‘tell’
- to use descriptive language to help the reader visualise the setting
- to use language that activates the readers’ senses e.g smell and sound
- to use similes and metaphors to describe the setting
- to use interesting vocab to describe the setting

The aroma of dog treats and slobber filled the air. A frisbee whizzed past as I stepped out onto the damp grass. Vigorous barking rang in my ear and I sat down on the nearest wooden bench. Furry creatures pranced around on the grass. One brown shaggy one caught my eye as it stood up on hind legs and swung around in circles.

Homework: FloorPlanner

For homework we had to design a school on a site called FloorPlanner. We had 2 weeks to do this. Below is a picture of my design:

Here is a picture of the spreadsheet I used to work out all of the costs of the surfaces of my school.